3rd International Congress on Bird Migration and Global Change. Adapting to a changing world (3-5 September 2018, Tarifa (Cádiz).
Ekos Estudios Ambientales presented 2 posters in this congress, related to the work carried out on 2 species of birds:
- Ruff: Recent changes of the flyway of Ruff (Philomachus pugnax) in Europe in conditions of the global change. The works on this species were developed in 2017 and 2018 for the Sustainable Hunting and Biodiversity Foundation (FUNCASBIOD) through the joint work of Ekos Estudios Ambientales, with the Belarusian Bird Ringing Center, the Nature Research Center of Lithuania, and the Scientific and Practical Center for Biological Resources of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus.
- Woodpigeon: “Global change and migration pattern of Woodpigeon (Columba palumbus) population in Europe”. This poster was recognized as the best poster of the Congress. It presents part of the results of the joint work carried out for the Hunting Federation of the Basque Country over the years 2005 and 2017 by Ekos Estudios Ambientales, the Nature Research Center of Lithuania, the Servetsov Institute of Ecology and Evolution (Moscow, Russia), Immanuel Kant State University (Kalinigrado, Russia), and the Scientific and Practical Center for Biological Resources of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus.